Until The Chore Granting Sorcerer Realized His Strongest

Until The Chore Granting Sorcerer Realized His Strongest


Until The Chore Granting Sorcerer Realized His Strongest
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Last Update 9 months, 2 weeks

Until The Chore Granting Sorcerer Realized His Strongest is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, ACTION series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.cc fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

Wimme Strauss is an adjunct sorcerer who provides support and does odd jobs. However, after defeating the master of the hierarchy, he is expelled from the party by the leader, whose pride is hurt. Wimme is at a loss, but his childhood friend (and Wimme's's stalker), Heidemarie, finds him and recruits him for the biggest party, the Wings of the Dragon. "It's like a miracle ...... fuhehe." He claims that his achievement is a coincidence, but it's only a matter of time before everyone around him realizes what he's capable of.

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