Return of The Genius Swordmaster

Return of The Genius Swordmaster


Return of The Genius Swordmaster
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Return of The Genius Swordmaster is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

In a world where humanity has gained magical powers to counter the Six Dragons—beings that threaten to bring about the world’s destruction—Agito Hakken, despite having no magic, masters swordsmanship to become a Sword Saint. Sacrificing his life, he saves the world from the threat of the Six Dragons. However, the Six Dragons’ ultimate goal was to summon a greater threat, a Divine Dragon, a hundred years in the future. With the world once again facing ruin, Agito, who should have died, awakens reincarnated in this future world. Determined to truly save the world this time, he takes up his sword once more to rise against the new threat.

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