Requiem of Subdued Souls is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action
series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
If there is an omen of disaster in the Hwarang, who else could it be besides Seol Yeong-rang, who controls spirits?
Hwarang Seol Yeong-rang was prophesied as one who would bring forth disaster. The only way he could return to his ranks is by solving incidents, in turn proving he wasn't the omen he was painted as.
And whilst he ventures, a mysterious mad man named Zaha appears.
In the era of Silla, where humans, yokai, and spirits roam, a hwarang's requiem unfolds.
24-eng-li 1 week, 2 days
23-eng-li 2 weeks, 1 day
22-eng-li 3 weeks, 3 days
21-eng-li 1 month
20-eng-li 1 month
19-eng-li 1 month, 1 week
18-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
17-eng-li 2 months, 1 week
16-eng-li 2 months, 1 week
15-eng-li 4 months, 2 weeks
14-eng-li 4 months, 2 weeks
13-eng-li 4 months, 2 weeks
12-eng-li 4 months, 2 weeks
11-eng-li 4 months, 2 weeks
10-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
9-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
8-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
7-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
6-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
5-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
4-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
3-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
2-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
1-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
0-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
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