Rappa - Yankee Ninpuuchou is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.cc fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
Kazama Endo is the ultimate delinquent, unbeaten in a fight. He goes to scope out a boy who beat up his henchmen, but it turns out this boy is anything but ordinary!
14-eng-li 11 hours, 11 minutes
13-eng-li 1 day, 8 hours
12-eng-li 3 days, 6 hours
11-eng-li 2 weeks
10-eng-li 2 weeks
8-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
7-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
6-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
5-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
4-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
3-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
2-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
1-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
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