Overpower Your Enemies by the Law is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action
series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.cc fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
Do you feel wronged? Are you furious? Do you want revenge?
But you feel powerless, don’t you? No money, no connections, no influence? Right?
The only thing you can rely on is the law.
But even the law has betrayed you, hasn’t it?
Leave it to me, and I’ll wield the law for you—
with a refreshing sense of justice!
14-eng-li 1 week, 4 days
13-eng-li 2 weeks, 5 days
12-eng-li 2 weeks, 5 days
11-eng-li 1 month, 2 weeks
10-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
9-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
8-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
7-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
6-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
5-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
4-eng-li 1 month, 4 weeks
3-eng-li 2 months
2-eng-li 2 months
1-eng-li 2 months
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