Kimi wa Shinenai Hai Kaburi no Majo

Kimi wa Shinenai Hai Kaburi no Majo


Kimi wa Shinenai Hai Kaburi no Majo
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Last Update 3 years, 8 months

Kimi wa Shinenai Hai Kaburi no Majo is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Gore series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

The meeting between a normal boy and a witch liberates the world from its curse... I'm a magic apprentice. "My master," who has been living under this same run-down roof with me, is a shut-in girl who proclaimed herself to be a great witch. Despite sounding all high-and-mighty, my defenseless master loves to watch her disciple cooking for her. Our daily lives, filled with happiness, go by quietly. However, little did I know that behind that quiet, happy daily life is a terrible secret that involves the fate of the world...

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