I was acknowledged as a useless good-for-nothing so I moved to the Empire to get ahead in life

I was acknowledged as a useless good-for-nothing so I moved to the Empire to get ahead in life


I was acknowledged as a useless good-for-nothing so I moved to the Empire to get ahead in life
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Last Update 2 years, 9 months

I was acknowledged as a useless good-for-nothing so I moved to the Empire to get ahead in life is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Manga series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.cc fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

In the kingdom Lutz lived in until now, commoners were unable to climb up the social ladder, their efforts were denied and extra work disregarded. Lutz finally got fed up, and decided to move to the Empire, which was a complete meritocracy. It was a wonderful country where hard work and creativity was valued. Moreover, Lutz's special magic, which was seen to be useless in the kingdom, is able to beat platoon level monsters in the Empire! Lutz decides to set off in this new land, where values are upheld, rewards are given, and there's a simple path to get ahead in life! A fast paced magical isekai fantasy!!!

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