Cthulhu Creator is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.cc fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
A strange woman’s video message made me miss my girlfriend’s date. Has my father who died in the fire reappeared? Retired firefighters are infected with the “otherworldly virus”. Could it be an evolution or mutation catalyst? The mysterious Solomon girl, the stunning assassin demon hunter, as well as ghouls, Taoist priests, and immortals. The major sects and factions are ready to move, and the mysterious Creator is planning to rule the world again… Who is plotting all of this?
43-eng-li 8 months
42-eng-li 8 months
41-eng-li 8 months
40-eng-li 9 months
39-eng-li 9 months
38-eng-li 9 months
37-eng-li 9 months
36-eng-li 9 months
35-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
34-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
33-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
32-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
31-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
30-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
29-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
28-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
27-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
26-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
25-eng-li 10 months
24-eng-li 10 months
23-eng-li 10 months
22-eng-li 10 months, 2 weeks
21-eng-li 10 months, 2 weeks
20-eng-li 10 months, 2 weeks
19-eng-li 10 months, 2 weeks
18-eng-li 10 months, 3 weeks
17-eng-li 10 months, 3 weeks
16-eng-li 11 months
15-eng-li 11 months
14-eng-li 11 months, 1 week
13-eng-li 11 months, 1 week
12-eng-li 11 months, 2 weeks
11-eng-li 11 months, 2 weeks
10-eng-li 11 months, 3 weeks
9-eng-li 11 months, 3 weeks
8-eng-li 12 months
7-eng-li 12 months
6-eng-li 12 months
5-eng-li 12 months
4-eng-li 12 months
3-eng-li 12 months
2-eng-li 12 months
1-eng-li 12 months
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